
I have solid knowledge in all phases of development and production, specialized in Angular as a web developer and android as a mobile developer.

Passionate about the future and technology, with all the revolution that AI and blockchain can bring us.

.. And this is my Workspace

:doodle { @grid: 3 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M1.5 0h21l-1.91 21.563L11.977 24l-8.565-2.438L1.5 0zm17.09 4.413L5.41 4.41l.213 2.622 10.125.002-.255 2.716h-6.64l.24 2.573h6.182l-.366 3.523-2.91.804-2.956-.81-.188-2.11h-2.61l.29 3.855L12 19.288l5.373-1.53L18.59 4.414z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 3 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M1.5 0h21l-1.91 21.563L11.977 24l-8.564-2.438L1.5 0zm7.031 9.75l-.232-2.718 4.41l.698 8.01h9.126l-.326 3.426-2.91.804-2.955-.81-.188-2.11H6.248l.33 4.171L12 19.351l5.379-1.443.744-8.157H8.531z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 5 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M0 0h24v24H0V0zm22.034 18.276c-.175-1.095-.888-2.015-3.003-2.873-.736-.345-1.554-.585-1.797-1.14-.091-.33-.105-.51-.046-.705.15-.646.915-.84 1.515-. 1.034-.676 1.034-.676 1.755-1.125-.27-.42-.404-.601-.586-.78-.63-.705-1.469-1.065-2.834-1.034l-.705.089c-.676.165-1.32.525-1.71 1.005-1.14 1.291-.811 3.541.569 4.471 1.365 1.02 3.361 1.244 3.616 2.205.24 1.17-.87 1.545-1.966 1.41-.811-.18-1.26-.586-1.755-1.336l-1.83 1.051c. 1.109 1.74 1.756 6.09 1.666 6.871-1.004.029-.09.24-.705.074-1.65l.046.067zm-8.983-7.245h-2.248c0 1.938-.009 3.864-.009 5.805 0 1.232.063 2.363-.138 2.711-.33.689-1.18.601-1.566.48-.396-.196-.597-.466-.83-.855-.063-.105-.11-.196-.127-.196l-1.825 1.125c.305.63.75 1.172 1.324 1.517.855.51 2.004.675 3.207.405.783-.226 1.458-.691 1.811-1.411.51-.93.402-2.07.397-3.346.012-2.054 0-4.109 0-6.179l.004-.056z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 5 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M17.523 15.3414c-.5511 0-.9993-.4486-.9993-.9997s.4483-.9993.9993-.9993c.5511 0 .9993.4483.9993.9993.0001.5511-.4482.9997-.9993.9997m-11.046 0c-.5511 0-.9993-.4486-.9993-.9997s.4482-.9993.9993-.9993c.5511 0 .9993.4483.9993.9993 0 .5511-.4483.9997-.9993.9997m11.4045-6.02l1.9973-3.4592a.416.416 0 00-.1521-.5676.416.416 0 00-.5676.1521l-2.0223 3.503C15.5902 8.2439 13.8533 7.8508 12 7.8508s-3.5902.3931-5.1367 1.0989L4.841 5.4467a.4161.4161 0 00-.5677-.1521.4157.4157 0 00-.1521.5676l1.9973 3.4592C2.6889 11.1867.3432 14.6589 0 18.761h24c-.3435-4.1021-2.6892-7.5743-6.1185-9.4396"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 5 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M9.931 12.645h4.138l-2.07-4.908m0-7.737L.68 3.982l1.726 14.771L12 24l9.596-5.242L23.32 3.984 11.999.001zm7.064 18.31h-2.638l-1.422-3.503H8.996l-1.422 3.504h-2.64L12 2.65z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 4 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M24 24H0V0h24L12 12Z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 4 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M14.314 0L2.3 12 6 15.7 21.684.013h-7.357zm.014 11.072L7.857 17.53l6.47 6.47H21.7l-6.46-6.468 6.46-6.46h-7.37z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 3 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M23.546 10.93L13.067.452c-.604-.603-1.582-.603-2.188 0L8.708 2.627l2.76 2.76c.645-.215 1.379-.07 1.889.441.516.515.658 1.258.438 1.9l2.658 2.66c.645-.223 1.387-.078 1.9.435.721.72.721 1.884 0 2.604-.719.719-1.881.719-2.6 0-.539-.541-.674-1.337-.404-1.996L12.86 8.955v6.525c.176.086.342.203.488.348.713.721.713 1.883 0 2.6-.719.721-1.889.721-2.609 0-.719-.719-.719-1.879 0-2.598.182-.18.387-.316.605-.406V8.835c-.217-.091-.424-.222-.6-.401-.545-.545-.676-1.342-.396-2.009L7.636 3.7.45 10.881c-.6.605-.6 1.584 0 2.189l10.48 10.477c.604.604 1.582.604 2.186 0l10.43-10.43c.605-.603.605-1.582 0-2.187"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 3 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M13.966 22.624l-1.69-4.281H8.122l3.892-9.144 5.662 13.425zM8.884 1.376H0v21.248zm15.116 0h-8.884L24 22.624Z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 4 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M14.25.18l. 1.27.05zm-6.3 1.98l-.23.33-. 3.95l. 1.04.05 1.23-.06 1.23-.16 1.04-.24.86-.32.71-.36.57-.4.45-.42.33-.42.24-.4.16-.36.09-.32.05-.24.02-.16-.01h-8.22v.82h5.84l.01 14.25l-.23.33-."); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } :doodle { @grid: 3 / 100vw; } background: @pick( #448AFF, #83B9FF, #FF6D00, #FF9E40 ); @size: 6vmin; @place-cell: 51vw 50%; scale: 1; transform: translate( @rand(-48vw, 48vw), @rand(-48vh, 48vh) ); clip-path:path("M12,18.08C5.37,18.08 0,15.36 0,12C0,8.64 5.37,5.92 12,5.92C18.63,5.92 24,8.64 24,12C24,15.36 18.63,18.08 12,18.08M6.81,10.13C7.35,10.13 7.72,10.23 7.9,10.44C8.08,10.64 8.12,11 8.03,11.47C7.93,12 7.74,12.34 7.45,12.56C7.17,12.78 6.74,12.89 6.16,12.89H5.29L5.82,10.13H6.81M3.31,15.68H4.75L5.09,13.93H6.32C6.86,13.93 7.3,13.87 7.65,13.76C8,13.64 8.32,13.45 8.61,13.18C8.85,12.96 9.04,12.72 9.19,12.45C9.34,12.19 9.45,11.89 9.5,11.57C9.66,10.79 9.55,10.18 9.17,9.75C8.78,9.31 8.18,9.1 7.35,9.1H4.59L3.31,15.68M10.56,7.35L9.28,13.93H10.7L11.44,10.16H12.58C12.94,10.16 13.18,10.22 13.29,10.34C13.4,10.46 13.42,10.68 13.36,11L12.79,13.93H14.24L14.83,10.86C14.96,10.24 14.86,9.79 14.56,9.5C14.26,9.23 13.71,9.1 12.91,9.1H11.64L12,7.35H10.56M18,10.13C18.55,10.13 18.91,10.23 19.09,10.44C19.27,10.64 19.31,11 19.22,11.47C19.12,12 18.93,12.34 18.65,12.56C18.36,12.78 17.93,12.89 17.35,12.89H16.5L17,10.13H18M14.5,15.68H15.94L16.28,13.93H17.5C18.05,13.93 18.5,13.87 18.85,13.76C19.2,13.64 19.5,13.45 19.8,13.18C20.04,12.96 20.24,12.72 20.38,12.45C20.53,12.19 20.64,11.89 20.7,11.57C20.85,10.79 20.74,10.18 20.36,9.75C20,9.31 19.37,9.1 18.54,9.1H15.79L14.5,15.68Z"); animation-name: explosion; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: calc(@rand(2s, 5s, .1)); animation-delay: calc(@rand(-5s, -1s, .1)); animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.84, .02, 1, 1); @keyframes explosion { 0% { opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 70% { opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } }

My Projects

Radios de España

Radio app with great features such as alarm system, fully responsive, mvvm, new implementation of Media3, material design philosophy, use of Kotlin scopes for faster interaction, integration with Firebase, Google Analytics, AdMob, and much more.

I carry out the idea, design, development, testing, implementation and marketing campaigns on my own, it provide me a lot of knowledge and experience.

Main technologies used

Radio Manager

A CMS developed in Angular to take advantage of the strength and dynamism of the framework and in charge of managing all aspects of radio apps deployed.

Using real-time connection with the database, externals REST-API's to content management and libraries that generate speed in handling. All this being fully responsive, dynamic, intuitive, scalable and with clean code philosophy.

In the video you can see a code snippet, for security it has not been published on any platform

Main technologies used

Montana World

A trekking e-commerce that takes advantage of the drop-shipping model and all the advantage provided by shopify. The web and the branding are designed and built by me, as well as the marketing campaigns.

Thanks to this project I was able to see beyond the development phase and learn SEM, SEO, market segmentation and marketing strategies, as well as everything related to the creation, start-up and growth of an e-commerce.

The website is currently offline.

Main technologies used

My Skills

Android Developer

:doodle { @grid: 1x6 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } expert-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
Android StudioSDK
:doodle { @grid: 1x6 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x3 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } theoretical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) ); --d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill

Web Developer

:doodle { @grid: 1x6 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } expert-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x6 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } expert-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x3 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } theoretical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x6 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } expert-skill

Additional skills

:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
Adobe PhotoshopPhotoshop
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x3 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } theoretical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x4 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } practical-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
Adobe IllustratorIllustrator
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn)); animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill
:doodle { @grid: 1x5 / 100%; }@place-cell: center; @size: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 10%);border-radius: 50%; border-style: dashed; border-width: calc(@calc(11-@index()) * 4px); border-color: hsla( calc(400 * @index()), 80%, 65%, calc(3 / @index() * .7) );--d: @rand(10s, 50s); --rf: @rand(360deg); --rt: calc(var(--rf) + @pick(1turn, -1turn));animation: spin var(--d) ease infinite; @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(var(--rf)) } to { transform: rotate(var(--rt)) } } advanced-skill

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    christianorellana.dev is by Christian Orellana

    Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved.